[early] Morning gripes
1. That damn car alarm that goes off outside every other time the El goes by my apartment.
2. A roommate who falls asleep watching a DVD and doesn't wake up when it's over, and the freaking credits music is the loudest thing I've ever heard, then doesn't wake up when I'm yelling either his name from my room, his name from outside his door, his name from INSIDE his room, or "Fire!" from inside his room. Eventually I gave up, went in his room myself, and turned the damn thing off.
3. Waking up at the first sound of roommate's alarm, and not being able to fall asleep until after he leaves for work, an hour later. And my alarm goes off fully 2 hours after his. But by that time, I am back asleep, but can't wake up. Go figure.
4. Never doing anything about any of this, and continuing to suffer because of it.


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