Resolving heat issues
So, my roommate Mike and I have a problem. (OK, we have a number of
problems, this is the latest).

Anyway, we live in a loft in Chicago. It's starting to get cold here,
and the heat has been on for a while. The problem is (I know, bring on
the violins), in the loft - which is an old, converted warehouse - the
heat escapes quite quickly (with just a laywer of brick - the walls
-or 3/4" wood - the roof - between us and the elements, we have no
insulation). So, of course, heating costs are astronomical.

Mike and I deal with heat differently. I figure, it's winter, it's
meant to be cold. I'm fine wearing a sweatshirt and some warm slippers
around the house, while he wants to sit in his boxers and a tee shirt.
So, we have these passive-aggressive "heat wars". When he thinks I'm
not paying attention, he pumps up the heat (usually somewhere from 70
to 72). I do the opposite when I think he's not paying
attention, and after he falls asleep. I can NOT sleep when the heat is
pumping. I'd rather curl up in my comforter - that's what it's for! -
and be a little cold when I get out of bed. It's winter! Come on!

Anyway... His area of the apartment, where his bedroom is, is
noticably colder than where my bedroom is. He also gets colder than I
do (I have, let's say, some extra insulation on my person), and he
likes it warmer. This is, as you can imagine, a bad combination.

He's brought up a space heater in the past, but he's afraid of the
cost (I'm not so much - it can't cost as much as our A/C did during
the summer), and I'm afraid that he'll forget to turn it off (not
unheard-of) and burn down all my stuff.

What to do.... I have no idea...


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