Tired... so tired...
So, last night I was giving the gift of knowledge as a belated XMas gift... or so I thought.

I consulted a friend's wife about what she would need to get in order to give her husband TiVo for Christmas and have a reasonable expectation of getting it to work without a phone line, something I've done in the past.

So, I told her to get a (TiVo-approved) USB-Ethernet bridge, a switch (oops, she needed a router to spoof her PC's MAC Address - we exchanged last night and got that working), and some ethernet cable (thanks to my company for sponsoring their TiVo.

All night I spent there - after going straight from work - and to no avail. Eventually, at about 11:30 gave up, bringing the TiVo with me so I could test with my USB-Ethernet adapter (that worked for my TiVo out of the box) at home, on my network (which works), and using my (working) router. And if THAT fails, I can bring the damn thing to my fiancee's place, as she has a land-line and there's no reason that shouldn't work. Once that update is done, all should be happy.

So we went straight to Dana's place, and I decided to F trying it at my place and just plug the thing in the phone line and let it work all night.

Whoops! Forgot the power cable. Luckily, the power adapter for the Vaio I gave her for her birthday a year and a half ago (along with her domain name) had the same form factor. So I was able to plug the thing in (while having to unhook her TV and put it in the middle of the living room floor. Man, I wish I had pictures of this), only to realize: No remote.

For chrissake. I just couldn't get it right.

Stay tuned for updates. This weekend will be light on entries again (blame the damn holidays), but after that things should return somewhat to normal.


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