Ask the pilot (See what I'm talking about)
One of my favorite features each week at is the "Ask the Pilot" segment, where a former airline pilot-cum-columnist talks about different subjects aeronautical. Lately, as others have picked up, he's been focused on the "terrorist plot" to down planes using lasers. Thankfully, in looking for a link to that story, I found a number that are updating their otherwise scaremongering stories to say that local yokels are being charged with doing this. Some prank.

Anyway, below are some quotes from the most recent "Ask the Pilot" article about the lasers.. Technology | Ask the pilot: "Listen to Michael, an Airbus A320 pilot for a major U.S. airline (who asks to be kept otherwise anonymous): 'Here we have cleaners and caterers able to board and roam through aircraft with no security screening whatsoever, yet people are worried about laser beams? Our priorities are insane.'

'In the hierarchy of threats,' adds a 747 first officer at a different carrier, 'this one is pretty far down the list.'"


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