TiVo ,#401 troubles over! (See what I'm talking about)
I won't go into all the detail here, but basically I had to reset the system in a roundabout way and start over with my older USB adapter to get Guided Setup to work. After that, it was all in the bag.

Here's an excerpt (and linkage) to the thread at tivocommunity.com where I posted the step-by-setp of how to get it done.

Another ,#401 thread - TiVo Community Forum: "To recap: after trying with the Linksys USB200M (on a switch - could that have contributed to the problem?), tried on a router. Still no joy. Then tried with USB200M at my home (to eliminate the network/router as a problem source). Still not working. Then attempted with the adapter that has always worked on my TiVo, the Belkin F5D5050. Still did not work.

Rebooted as mentioned in above post, tried again (with Belkin F5D5050), and is connected and downloading successfully."


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