Commute story
This is all from an email I sent Dana this morning. I'm too lazy to re-type it all. FYI, it's about 55 degrees out right now in Chicago.

I did ride in this morning, and only almost died about three times. One of them, however, was actually my fault. I wanted to stay in the bike lane (was on lincoln about two blocks north of Fullerton at this point), but there was a little pothole and some patched asphalt, so I decided to bunny hop it. Well, let me just tell you: bunny hops on the fixie are very tricky, since your legs are moving all the time. So, I guess what probably happened is I hopped it and my legs stopped the rear wheel from moving (another trick, but one I wasn't intending to perform at the time). So, when I landed, I skidded a bit and the wheel kept right on going. I lost my left foot (unclipped) and by some miracle was able to keep my balance on my right foot, still going around. I'm sure it looked like one of the freaky "how-in-the-world-did-he-recover-from-that" moments in racing - the bike was totally tweaked and it must have looked like an epileptic fit as I tried to keep my balance up there, but keep my balance I did.
I guess I have to spend more time on the fixie and get to know her better.

The best part is, I pretty much kept my line the whole time. I don't think I left the bike lane at all. :)


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