
Flickr sucks. I've been sending mucho posts from my phone lately as I just haven't had any time at work to blog, but I find out now that none have gotten through. Grr.
Anyway, work sucks and I'm very tired. A week from now I will have an apartment in Houston (god willing) and no more roommate. Shortly thereafter my sister Lauren will be moving in with me and then, well, I get married.
Last week was totally nutso. Hopefully this week will be a little more calm.
The shirt I'm wearing now smells. Oh well.

(and to top it off, the first time I tried to submit this to Blogger via email, IT bounced. WTF? Time to host my own blog?

update: Actually, the email bounced back AND posted. I didn't check because, well, why the heck would I if it said the email was undeliverable. WTF is going on? Oh well. Hopefully this afternoon will provide more time. Been working on issues all morning..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to take a picture of what the apartment looks like now...

posted at 2:04 PM


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