Another morning commute story..
5/04/2005 05:01:00 PM
So i never got around to posting it earlier, and don't want to let this one escape the ole memory banks before jotting it down..When I got on the el this morning, there was this transvestite like hangong on one of the vertical poles next to an (the only) open seat, blocking it. (S)he looked pretty tired or otherwise out of it, but the hands, face, and especially budding moustache definitely 'outed' her.
The point of this is, I thought about it for a while, and I'd like to say I made eye contact and smiled and went on my way, but there was something about it that just made me uncomfortable. I'm not sure if it was the sexual ambiguity or incomplete transformation or what, but I felt myself consciously trying to not think about how strange I thought the whole thing was. Of course, (s)he was hanging on the pole like a stripper who'd had too much medication, and kiind of unintentionally stuck her butt in the face of the person next to her whenever the train slowed or stopped... That was pretty weird.
I guess it's no different than the totally strung-out guy D and I saw on the el on our way to Houston last weekend...
Whatever. Just needed to do a memory dump.
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