Originally uploaded by MarkFitz.

EDIT: Unfornately this one didn't turn out as I hoped (that's what happens when you're driving an overloaded truck and trying to moblog all at the same time, I guess). There was a cropduster flying over the highway, seriously buzzing us - it must have been only 40 feet off the ground. It was pretty cool. I must have missed it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like beer

posted at 6:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,
A superbly uninteresting blog. Keep up the lame work.

I am inviting your views on the DESTRUCTION OF ALDERRAN in order to keep other star systems in line.

I personally see the Death Star as a NECESSARY EVIL and that unwanted civil disobedience is not only a personal problem but a very real problem for the galactic society at large.

Do you think it is right to burden a local planetary government with rebellion scum when they have a weak leader like Jimmy Smits?

If you have an opinion, please keep it to yourself. Your opinion is meaningless.

Your welcome,
La Boner

posted at 8:13 AM


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