GPSBabel (See what I'm talking about)
Excellent. I've found this program which will help convert my proprietary DeLorme route files (which I've created in TopoUSA, mainly to get profile information) into useful data.

So I guess maybe this weekend I'll spend some time working on my Google Maps stuff. I'd love to get some kind of customized route database integrated with Google Maps. Both for myself and the good of all cycling-kind. Mostly to please the inner geek, though. I'm relieved to have found this - I was beginning to think that I couldn't get at DeLorme's underlying data. Now I know better. :)

OK, well to be honest I'm not really getting at *their* data - more like the data that I created in there framework, utilizing their tool. TopoUSA has a cool feature, though, where you can view the elevation at any point in your route. I guess if I upload the elevation profile and can figure out how to track my way through the route, I could represent where in the route I was as a percentage (eg: 20% of the way through the route, display some kind of overlay 20% of the way across the total width of the elevation profile).

"Patent Pending!"


Blogger Dana said...


posted at 5:52 PM

Blogger Hutch said...

I agree with the good doctor.

posted at 9:21 AM


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