Why not?
I'm in the neighborhood anyway, right?

I called the Houston Red Cross earlier to see if there were any volunteer needs (there are, of course). Apparenly, a "volunteer cooridnator" is going to be giving me a call back. When the phone bank operator asked if I had any special skills (doctor, nurse), I should have said I was married to a doctor, but instead said I had "computer skills". Man, if you don't want to have to lift heavy things, just say you have "computer skills". I bet I'm stuck at a desk. :)

At the very least, it'll provide some good blogging fodder, right?

And just in case I've picked up any Houston-area readers (yeah, right), the local Red Cross hotline number is (713)313-6727. I guess this is a temporary phone bank they set up specifically for the Katrina hurricane relief.

Oh, and I'm scheduled to go to an official Red Cross orientation session next Thursday.



Blogger Dana said...

Founder of the Red Cross--Clara Barton. Graduate of the coolest elementary school in Fargo, ND, Clara Barton Elementary--Dana Fitzgerald. Rock on.

posted at 8:33 PM


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