Best places to live (See what I'm talking about)
A handy cross-reference for our current job search.

Though I'm not entirely sure how Naperville made the #3 place to live... shudder

I guess I'll take it all with a grain of salt. Besides, they only compared 1300 cities. Bah!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this post is no good without a LINK! ;)

Yea, Naperville... oy..

posted at 11:19 AM

Blogger Hutch said...

If Naperville made the list, it must be focused on living the suburban Desperate Housewives life. I have a sneaking suspicion that's not what you're looking for.

posted at 11:40 AM

Blogger mark said...

Yeah, my bad on that one. Link should be up there now...

posted at 12:48 PM

Blogger B.J. said...

Dayton wasn't even a contender, what does that say about Dayton?

posted at 7:49 AM


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