Xbox 360 - now a "must buy" (See what I'm talking about)
Oh, crap.

Until now, I only had interest in the XBox360 as competition for my next game console, the PS3. But today I read about some of the games they'll be offering (free!) as part of XBox Live - the online component of the XBox360. Two of my all-time favorite arcade games: Gauntlet (OK, everybody loved Gauntlet) and, get this, SmashTV.

I can't tell you how much I loved SmashTV growing up (back when there were still such things as video arcades). I pumped so many quarters into that damn game. Just too cool. I think it was the first time I saw animated blood, too. And the control was awesome (and at the time, I thought, revolutionary) - one joystick to move your dude around, and one joystick to point your gun. Too cool.


Blogger Dana said...

Done deal. My brother and I used to play tons and tons of Gauntlet growing up. Maybe when I get that sweet job in Steamboat we can afford it...

posted at 2:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

saw it today. the real console. meh. these games look great, but they are literally the same as this genration, but with a way of connecting thru a monolithic company and with prettier grfx (much like this gen ;))

posted at 7:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want a PS2 so that I can play GT4! Is that too much to ask?! :)

posted at 12:51 PM


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