Bend update
Pictured to right: Deschutes river

So if you've been paying close attention to Dana's blog, you'll know that we've been invited to Bend, Oregon for yet another of Dana's interviews. And that we'll likely be going over New Year's weekend, a big plus as we didn't yet have NYE plans.

Well, D came home really quick to grab lunch today (I was working on a work problem), and brought in "Christmas presents" that came outside with our mail. One of them was actually a present from Dana's Matron of Honor (Missy, who incidentally called this morning at 5am to announce the birth of her first baby, Edie, who landed in at a healthy so-and-so weight and is to serve as Dana's constant reminder that she wants babies. Maybe, at the very least, it'll stop her complaining about how there's no snow in Houston). The other was a package from the hospital in Bend who's wooing her (us), and I was given permission to open that one (but not Missy's gift).

Inside was quite the little seduction package. DVD ("10 minute introduction to your future"), water bottle (yay!), mini care-beaner, fishing bob (whatever those are called - the red and white floats), golf tees, and a baseball cap! Oh, and a car air freshener (you got me.. people in Oregon have stinky cars from all the fish they catch while mountain climbing to the golf course, all the while staying well hydrated, I guess, relaxing with a DVD carried in their baseball cap).

Also came with a magazine ("Bend Living" or something), but I decided to maintain the integrity of the package for Dana's amusement because it so impressed me. I did take out the bubble-wrap, though, and popped it like you wouldn't believe.

OK, I didn't really pop it, but thought I'd say I did. And now that I've said it, and we've already sent all our gifts that we're not bringing with us on the plane (exit-row seats! BOO-YA!), I think I will pop it.

Oh, and sorry for my hissy-fit yesterday. Skipped my meds again.


Blogger B.J. said...

I love that blue screen. Our home pc pulls that crap all the time. I hate computers. I am testing a car wash right now...inside our lab.

posted at 1:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wohoo! Think you can catch anything with that DVD?

posted at 7:23 AM


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