Bad, bad boy.
I have been very bad. Very, very bad.

Before last Monday, I hadn't been to the dentist in years. And to cut off the comments at the head, no, it wasn't a way to spite my dentist ex - it was laziness, pure and simple.

Well, when the whole "get a job from IBM" thing went down, I upped my dental benefit to the max (knowing fully that some work would be needed) and opted to plop down the $13 a month (or so) for the "Dental Plus" plan. Two weeks from now, I'll have spent most of my yearly maximum benefit.

I first made an appointment two weeks ago, and showed up on Monday. They took films (dentist-speak for head-irradiating tooth pictures) and lamented on how very, very dirty they were. So much so that they decided to split my cleaning into two separate appointments. The first one, they gave me an ultrasonic (ultra-uncomfortable) gum-rending, and asked me to come back for the standard scrape-and-polish. When the hygenist was done with me, the dentist proper came in to have a look-see, and saw 5 or 6 cavities. (A new record?) So, for my follow-up yesterday, they did the standard scrape-and-polish as planned, then numbed half my face for three of their target teeth (all on the right side).

That was lots and lots of fun. Now I'm scheduled to go back in two weeks' time for another appointment, wherein they'll give me a permanent cap for one of the cavities (it was much worse than they thought), and I think get the remaining ones (on the left hand side). I'm really looking forward to it.

So, let me be a lesson to you. Go see your dentist! Twice a year! Seriously!

Let me also recommend that you don't schedule a dentist appoinment on a holiday. It sucks to cap off a long weekend with a painful visit to the dentist.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm.. I was determined to relate your dental visit to our viewing of Night Watch last night... but it actually wasn't as painful as I had thought! Definitely not as painful as your dental visit...

I had the same experience when going to Roush... hadn't been for a few years, and had quite a few appointments to catch up. Now that I've been without dental for over 1.5 years, I'm not too excited to go back!

posted at 11:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe this will teach B.J. a lesson since he hasn't been to the dentist in forever.

posted at 12:09 PM

Blogger Hutch said...

Sadly, I can't even remember the last time I went to a dentist. Too many moves between jobs and cities to keep up with making/keeping appointments. I'm dreading my return now.

posted at 12:14 PM

Blogger B.J. said...

Not going to happen any time soon either. I brush my teeth quite well...but the gums have always been an issue. Plus, your picture reminds me why I will never watch Marathon Man or American History X. I hate teeth getting messed with.

posted at 9:27 AM


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