Blogroll update..
Let's all give a wave goodbye to Hammer and a beckoning "come hither" to Karen, Erik's fiancee.

Erik and I were buddies in college (both times), but I think I like Karen more (though we have never met, and she mistakenly believes that Tony Almeda is actually dead). Her post of Hermione is what really won me over, but the fact that she's a BSG junkie brought her into the circle.

I would write more (really!), but my slacker ass has a conference call.

Welcome, Karen!

Oh, and when D and I actually bear children, feel free to order the newbie onsie from ThinkGeek. That would be AWESOME.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Fitz! But when Tony ends up really really dead, don't come crying to me about it.

And that onesie is great, but I plan on outfitting a baby in this:

posted at 12:10 PM

Blogger mark said...

It took a second to process, but that's awesome.

I've already made it known to friends and family that until our kid knows better, he/she will be outfitted in crazy stuff (which I will have to have custom-printed) like:

"Broken Condom" t-shirts... and... well, I can't think of anything else right now. I'm working/packing/commenting and just got off the phone with my sister in New Zealand, so I'm a little frazzled. But we will gladly accept gifts of that sort when the little ones come along (expect about another year and a half or so).

Maybe I'll get a shirt with an arrow pointing up (think, "I'm with stupid") that says: "Not my real dad". Other ideas always welcome.

posted at 2:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that onsie were truly geektastic, it would have said NOOb.

Of course, this is probably why everyone likes my fiancee more than me. Whatever, she'll keep me getting invited to all the kewl kid parties.

posted at 4:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keri still claims she sent the Hermoine link first. Geez she really needs to move on its only Harry Potter.

posted at 9:23 AM


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