3/02/2006 08:17:00 AM
Today's contest: guess what this is.
Hint: it's a picture I took this morning of something in our apartment.
Rules: after I get four (unique) wrong guesses, I'll post a bigger image (zooming out to reveal more). And maybe another clue.
If nobody votes (or cares), then, well, we can stop playing.
Though usually not found IN a house - I wouldn't doubt it if you had one inside - Front bicycle sprocket?
Or the sprocket on a hand mixer?
posted at 8:25 AM
Damn! I'm too easy.
Here's the full image (with the first crop highlighted, not at full rez).
I'll do another one...
posted at 8:40 AM
What do I win!? What do I WIN!?
posted at 8:44 AM
Umm. Uh, first guess on the next contest?!
posted at 8:50 AM
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