What's up?

Something is wrong with the world when the only person you know who updates their blog in a given week is the couple that just had their third baby a week ago. (No link, sorry - they like it private. "You know - for kids!"). OK, Karen, as always, is good about updating. But other than KAREN. ;)

It's not that I have any particularly profound pontification pending (alliteration, yay!), but I RELY on you people to ENTERTAIN ME when I take breaks from work. And when you can't do that, WHO CAN? (Again, other than Karen. Who is quite entertaining, yet whom I've never met).

I feel I might also be neglecting Houston Amy, who posts often, but often limits said postings to the weekend. (so by the time Tuesday comes around, there's nothing new. This week is an exception, however).

I did find out from Erik this week that the Journey of Hope arrives in Steamboat on June 30th this year - which means I'll probably miss the team by a day, which is a real bummer. Maybe I'll pass them the next day (actually, we'll PROBABLY pass them the next day) while they ride to Breck - we should pass them somewhere in the mountains.

Anyway... This weekend - early tomorrow morning, in fact - Dana and I are once again headed out to Chappell Hill for our ride/run combo. I have to admit I'm a little sketched out about it, but just because someone can't control her SUV (what else is new, especially around here) - she actually swerved into the oncoming lane! and must have been all the way over, because we know, as cyclists, that drivers are MORONS and we have to hug the shoulder - doesn't mean I'm not going to ride. Besides, he was out in the afternoon and we'll be out there WAY early in the morning.

OK, apparently I opened a fresh wound with this one, because I find myself ranting. Here goes.

I don't know all the facts, granted, but the report says that she "lost control while rounding a curve". I don't care that the road was "damp" - if she's going so fast that she crosses all the way into the other lane (think: England), she's obviously got no control of her vehicle. Unless the cyclist was in the center of the road (when was the last time you saw that on a country highway - I vote "unlikely") - and even if he WAS - there is no excuse for what she did. I don't care if she bent over to pick up a CD or was putting on lipstick or eating a freaking cheezeburger or what - they really need to throw the book at this woman. My guess is that she'll get a suspended sentence and suspended driver's license. Probably some community service. And that's it. For KILLING a man because she was being irresponsible.

I know (probably) that everyone here has a car. And I know that I've spent a good part of my life with a license driving like an idiot. But driving is a privilege, not a right. So PLEASE pay attention while you're out there driving. And for chrissake, give us some room out on the road. According to, as I recall, almost EVERY state law, bicyclists are intended users of the road - we have just as much right to be out there as anyone in a car. And we're vulnerable.

Next time you get exasperated because you have to slow down to let oncoming traffic pass before you can pass a cyclist, just take a deep breath and realize that you're going to hit the next red light anyway, and you won't get to wherever the hell you're going that's so important any faster by putting me at risk.

Cars cut us off from the world around us. They're a great way to get around quickly, but people (and I'm guilty of this too) forget that when they're driving they've got - literally - a ton of steel under their control. The slightest lapse of attention can literally change (or end) someone's life. So please be careful.

And have a great weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't have a car, AND i updated a blog today. that's 2 you owe me junior.

posted at 9:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

After a certain ride with JK (I'm sure she will remember) I realized that when you are driving you are really just constantly avoiding accidents. They are dangerous beasts - as my cousin in Spain will attest to - he is STILL healing after a terrible accident with his '89 GTI...

I have to admit though that sometimes its hard to even SEE a biker on the road on Chicago streets. For example, I slowed down to park the other day on Chicago AVE in Evanston. I didn't realize that there was a biker way behind me just about to pass me on the INSIDE (between me and the parked cars) when I obviously had my reverse lights on as well as my blinker. Apparently I almost took the guy out as he slammed on his brakes and proceeded to BITCH me out. Umm... he was *behind* me and it was quite obvious what I was about to do. I felt like crap afterwards... and I do make a HUGE effort to give way to the bikers on the road, as I am one of them too (sometimes!). But sometimes they take FAR too many chances - I say this because thats probably the way people see me when I ride my bike!

It should be mandatory that bikers have pressurised air-horns... maybe they can use that same tank to inflate their flats?! ;)

This is long enough to be a post - does this count as me updating?!

posted at 9:18 AM

Blogger mark said...

I'm not saying there aren't bad cyclists out there. Yes, we're intended users of the road; likewise, we're subject to the same rules of the road.

The guy that tried to cut between you and the parked car sounds like an idiot. I move to ban all idiots from the road.

Rural cycling and urban cycling are almost as different as a roadie and a mountain biker. Likewise, there's a big difference between trying to parallel park and having some jerk get mad at you for it, and some lady swerving into the oncoming lane going (presumably) 55mph+. I wouldn't feel too guilty.

posted at 10:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy crap Pablo, I will never forget that day where we almost died. I had good reflexes that day.

Mark I can relate, when I was a serious runner I would run on country roads around where I lived. These roads were kind of narrow to begin with and on the sides of the road was a 2-3 foot ditch. I remember a few times having to jump into a ditch to avoid being hit. And then there was the asshole drivers who would barely move over just to scare the crap out of me. So annoying.

I am an impatient driver, but I also know that in an accident between a car and runner/biker the car always wins. It's something everybody should think about while driving and sharing the road with others.

posted at 10:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you're saying driving like you would play Twisted Metal isn't a good idea? Got it.

I guess two posts this week don't count. Hard to keep up with your whopping 3 per week avg. :)

Sorry to make light on this post, but it's how I deal. I work at a place where we send less-than-seasoned cyclists across the country. Guys have died on this trip, and it's horrible considering it could have been avoided if someone driving a 1 ton vehicle took their time passing a 200 pound person and bike.

posted at 11:06 AM

Blogger Dana said...

I agree, Pablo, you shouldn't feel bad at all--that dude was an idiot, and as long as a good-faith effort is made to look for cyclists before parallel parking, all is well.

posted at 11:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I AM THE BLOG COMMANDER! Remember that, commander of all blogs! When it comes does to business, this is what I do.

posted at 11:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, oh commander of blogs, I humbly request that you write us a new entry that extrapolates the meaning of what you just wrote: "When it comes does to business, this is what I do."

Secondly... JK if you had good reflexes, and were a serious runner... what does that make you now? Sounds like BJ has been rubbing off on you... (open for interpretation)

posted at 12:52 PM

Blogger Cap said...

I have been cycling for less than a year, so I don't have the experiences that ya'll do, but it annoys me as well.

But you know what really annoys me? Parked cars.

Back in december I had a co-rec soccer game for the sport and social league down near north avenue and the lake. I always rode to these games because with the cold I figured it'd be a decent warm-up. After the game we went to Durkin's for a few cocktails and then I would just ride home, about a mile, tops.

This particular evening it was really cold and I didn't think to put my gloves on before I clipped in. Well, trying to put gloves on while riding in the snow after somewhere between 3-6 beers is no easy task. I got hit by an SUV. That is, if by "I got hit by," I actually meant, "I slammed into the back corner of."

Amazingly, I didn't fall down. In fact, I believe the collision actually kept me up right. I have yet to actually "wreck."

Good times.

posted at 1:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo, to answer your questions: My reflexes are still pretty good despite my terrible hand eye coordination.

I think I no longer find running enjoyable since it hurts my knees. If fact they hurt right now and I am just sitting. Damn arthritis. Plus, I am lazy.

posted at 1:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark, I agree... the lazy bloggers need to start blogging! What else am I supposed to do when I get home from clinical on the psych ward? You can only watch so much Bridezilla and Food Network! I've even started reading Karen & Eric's blogs and I have no idea who they are!

posted at 2:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo -
I may be too tired to type correctly, but at least I updated the blog 2 times today.

posted at 3:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keri - how could you not have anything to do when you get home?! You have the never-ending source of entertainment known as Dave!

Mark - so where does this post rank in your most commented entries?!

posted at 12:06 AM


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