Moving again. (See what I'm talking about)
Well, it's that time of year again. The time of year for summer, the Fourth of July, my one-year anniversary, and, yes, time to start getting ready for our move.

And once again, we're moving at what I'm told is not just the busiest season or even busiest month of the year, no; we're moving on the busiest week of the year. Lucky us.

On the bright side of things, we went through most of the crap of finding a mover last year (you may remember, we ended up moving ourselves). The benefit is, we've been through most of the prep that a move like this involves already. The drawback is, we don't actually have the moving experience to set us more at ease.

But being aware of the dirty, nasty scams that irreputable companies pull, I know to look for big carriers, to check them out (records of complaints, etc), and to ask the right questions. Mostly, thanks to this site.

They really scared the crap out of me last year, and so I decided to jump on it. I was really moved to action today when I realized that I really only have three or four free weekends in Houston before we move, so I got on the horn and called five different moving companies.

I won't bore you with the details, but we have three appointments next week and I'm waiting on a couple calls still. I'll probably update if anything really funny (or scary) happens or if I start to freak out like I did last time, but Dana and I are... let's say less than enthusiastic about the prospect of moving ourselves this time around, so I'm going to do everything I can to make sure we get this done with enough advance notice so that hopefully we can get our crap to Steamboat before the 4th of July holiday (but after we move out here). We'll be threading the needle, I think, but hopefully able to make something work.


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