Lots of updates!

I know it's been far and few between with the entries lately, and considering what a stickler (aka "ass") I can be about OTHER people not posting often, I realize that puts me squarely in the "hypocritical jerk" camp. So here goes.

As you may notice, the title of this blog has changed - I added the "and now Mrs.", in case you hadn't noticed. Dana's long-awaited return to blogdom will soon commence due to high demand (and due to me being able to tell when she's dying to blog about something - it oozes out of her ears and frankly that's gross to look at anymore). She has yet to vomit her pearls of wisdom onto my our blog yet, but rest assured she will begin again shortly.

This weekend was quite the adventure, as usual. Friday night we went out for an after-work margarita, followed by dinner at a local pub (pretty good grub, excellent Smithwick's on tap), then came home and took it easy, watching some TV.

Saturday we were going to try and make it to NASA but our plans were once again thwarted by Dana's dedication to work (oh - did I mention her new coworkers will probably be joining our readership? Welcome, Ron, Lisa, Sheila!). She was paged on return from her morning run and had to head to the hospital to - get this - do her boss' paperwork (OK, I'm simplifying, but it was really that banal and unnecessary, from my point of view). On the bright side of things, we received her schedule from Steamboat for July and August (quite the change from how things work here, when she gets her monthly schedule on the third of the month if she's lucky). Her schedule is.. how you say in this country? FREAKING AWESOME. Finally, payoff for all her years of hard work. Unfortunately, we've decided that she will drive me crazy being home that often. I guess that's the price we pay.

Anyway, since our afternoon plans were thwarted, we spent most of it reading, and then headed out to visit Amy and Daniel for some low-key fun. The problem is, with Amy and Daniel we always end up having TOO MUCH fun. Dana figured it out the following day: we ended up spending EIGHT HOURS playing this dominoes game called Mexican train. What a riot.

Sunday we slept in a little, had brunch, talked to moms (HMD!), and tortured ourselves at the gym. Afterwards, we had the healthiest dinner ever - asparagus (grilled), portabello mushrooms (grilled - delish!), and wild rice. Doesn't sound like much but it was just what the doctor ordered.

Oh, and speaking of Doctors - Dana commented yesterday that she often forgets she's "a Mrs" but when I aksed her if she wanted me to change the blog name to "Mr (and Dr)", she said no. So there's that for you.

I'll wait for her to weigh in soon. But I have a lot of pent up blogging need so you might hear from me again before the end of the day. Of course, I have a lot of backed up work as well, so these two needs may end up competing. It is sure to be a battle royale.

One more thing: Happy Birthday, JK!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mind is playing tricks on me today. I read that image you posted as "mexi can't rain", a la Johnny Depp's charactor Sands from Once Upon a Time in Mexico.

Oh, and don't go see NASA. No one likes them and their "It doesn't take a rocket scientist..." jokes.

posted at 1:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

posted at 5:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, NASA is the COOLEST.

posted at 3:20 PM


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