Multimedia message

Multimedia message
Originally uploaded by MarkFitz.
Well, the airline lost our luggage (no surprise), so we're sporting new duds courtesy of mudseason sales (i look like a cowboy).

Dinner tonight with Sheila and Wes was expectedly.... Wine-y. Afterwards, realized I had a message... Apparently pur stuff is now waiting for us at the B&B... If not, you'll be sure to know. Until later! (OH, and steamboat rocks. JK, you would loveit here... Lots of geology!


Blogger JK said...

I do love geology, and I can't wait to visit!

posted at 1:40 PM

Blogger Amy said...

Sorry apout the flight delays and lost baggage, but I'm glad to hear you are enjoying Steamboat.

posted at 9:52 AM


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