Man card status: secure
Today, I take comfort in the fact that my "Man" status is completely intact, so I get to continue to hold my Man Card (unlike some people). Last night I spent about an hour (difficult to tell exactly how long) wrestling with our new hitch as I installed it under cover of darkness on the CR-V. I'm pretty excited about it - it's the first time I've been under a car since I was hit by one back in Chicago (zing!).

I have to admit, the parts I thought would be difficult were surprisingly easy; actually mounting the damn thing was a real chore - the weight is unevenly distributed, and it weighs about 40 lbs - try holding that above you while under a car and trying to get some nuts threaded on bolts. Not fun.

Anyway, it's complete, and in time for delivery of our new hitch rack today. But first I want to see how good the Cubs hitch cover looks on there - unfortunately it didn't come with a bolt to attach it to the hitch, so Dana's driving around today with a bare hitch.

Of course, pictures forthcoming.


Blogger Hutch said...

Mark, don't lie. We know who really wears the pants in your relationship....

posted at 7:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! Can't wait for the pics!

Yea... you think 40lbs is bad... try aligining a 90lb transmission with a clutch AND threading in the bolts while under the car! Fun stuff...

Gets me excited to get the GTI running this weekend though!

posted at 8:50 AM


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