Moving update...
No pics as of now (maybe later today, you photophiles), but things are progressing very nicely. A couple more hours of packing and we should be set to go.

I spent most of yesterday packing up the kitchen (holy hell, we have a lot of stuff), and D spent a good amount of time in the office. I woke up and went out to buy more boxes yesterday morning - Saturday we spent at the St. Arnold's brewery tour with Amy and Daniel, and then went to see Nacho Libre at the Drafthouse, which was only as funny as it was because they gave us free beer at the brewery tour. Then we came home and rested up for a full day of packing on Sunday (HFD, dads!).

We've got a handful of boxes left but need to go out and make a fourth run (we bought them a little at a time at first as we weren't sure what we'd need), and after that we should be done. Hopefully today I'll get the rest of the big stuff (appliances, not the pantry) done, and then we can focus on the little things: desk drawers, closet floor, etc. Then, the day before I'll wrap up the stereo (NEED. MUSIC. TO. PACK.), and we should be set.

I'll try to get some pics tonight. We have boxes everywhere. Quick inventory yields:

5 large boxes
10 medium
31 small
1 stereo/electronics box
2 framed picture boxes

Yet to build/fill, we have 2 wardrobe boxes, 5 more stereo boxes, like 4 medium and one extra-large box. Those will probably all get filled up today.

1 broken wine glass (um, we've got PLENTY, so no worries),
2 paper cuts.

I did a quick calculation based on how many boxes of which type we have packed, and it comes ot 110 ft^3 packed so far. Wow. Seems like it would be a lot more than that. Hm. I guess we're just really efficient at packing.

We have so many books, it's sickening. Easily 2/3rds of the small boxes are filled to the brim with books.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta be exciting that you guys are getting that close to the move! :)

Last two times I packed (to Detroit and back again) I left it for the last minute! Hehe... some things never change!

posted at 9:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any plans to honor the fallen wine glass. A proper send off could be to fill up all his buddies and get lit.

posted at 10:23 AM

Blogger B.J. said...

How are you getting out of there with all the rain/flooding.

posted at 12:21 PM

Blogger mark said...

Our moving company specializes in moves like this.

posted at 12:23 PM


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