Brewing process: coming soon
8/28/2006 09:43:00 AM
I didn't take the time this weekend to do a walk-through of the brewing process, which I do intend to get to... just don't hold your breath.I wanted to do it this weekend but it seems as if fall decided to show up in Steamboat this weekend - it was overcast and probably in the mid-60s all weekend. I commented on Sunday morning to D that it has already gotten colder in Steamboat (in August!) than it ever was in Houston while we were there...
And speaking of Houston, we watched the Texans-Broncos game last night. The Texans are looking like a completely different team this year (no surprise, with an entire new staff), but they actually look like they SHOULD be playing pro ball, which is a marked difference from last year. And last night I predicted a play as well. Marky learny football.
Anyway, back to cranking out these reports for work, but I will do my best to get a brewing-process post out there soon.
Oh, and blogger is really having a shit lately. I posted a comment on D's post yesterday that didn't show up until 24 hours later. Go [to hell] blogger!
Also, D and I did a little shopping yesterday. We both got new hiking shoes, D got some trail running shoes and a bunch of clothes, and I got a new pack and some emergency stuff (first aid kit, compass, multitool) so that we can be responsible hikers. Plus, Hutch is bound to get lost and injure himself when he gets here this weekend, and I don't want to get sued. :)
Can he sue if he doesn't meet any girls while there?! ;)
posted at 10:38 AM
I am starting to get annoyed with Blogger. May have to move to somewhere else someday.
posted at 6:14 AM
You could put a leash on Hutch so he doesn't go far.
posted at 5:31 PM
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