Da Bears
8/05/2006 08:37:00 PM
So today we had little party that my new office threw for me as a welcome to Steamboat. It was also held in conjunction with a new OBGYN who also just started. Mark and I had a pretty fun time, and it was nice to finally meet spouses, boyfriends, etc of all the people I work with. Most interesting fact learned at that party...The office recently hired on a new front desk receptionist. In my mind, this is just an incredible important position--they are the first impression of the office a patient (and their parent!) gets when they walk in the door, and can either be friendly and helpful and get people a bit more relaxed, or be curt and short and get people tense. This new girl is very cool--quite young, but fun and good with people. Mark and were chatting with her a bit and it turns out her dad used to play for the Chicago Bears! I just looked him up--he played 7 seasons with them in the late 70's and early 80's, and for those of you who really know football--played with Walter Payton. Awesome! Her dad's still living here in Steamboat, doing great.
So that's the big news today anyway. Work has been going well, and I'm slowly getting less and less freaked out about being back in general peds--the knowledge gained from all those long nights at Rush has come back in spades. It's a little hard for me because I still like bouncing ideas and care plans off of the other docs every now and then, but 80% or so of the time I'm in clinic, I'm there by myself. I've done some checking, and have been assured this is normal behavior for the young physician, but I hate to be imposing too much. But private practice and residency/fellowship training are really two different beasts--private practice has a much more "let's wait and see" approach to most things (as long as a kid looks stable, of course), whereas at a large academic center, it's very much get the labs and the films and ask questions later. It's a different system--I kinda like it more, because there were times at Rush I was poking a needle into a baby to get lab tests at 3 in the morning on no sleep and I KNEW they weren't necessary, but you do as you're told and that's it.
The house is finally getting put in order--Mark and Wes hung the pot rack today and it looks awesome. Mark did a great job cleaning up the place while I was in KC last weekend, and it made for a really pleasant homecoming. KC was awesome--everytime I see Missy and DJ, it's always a weekend of good food, good talks, good beer, and of course, good naps. And this time around I got the chance to play with their 7 month old Edy, who is the cutest little kid! Didn't really see much of KC's attractions (never do) but had a blast and it was fun to catch up with Missy. I'm hot sure if I'll make it back to KC or not before they move next summer--sounds like they'll be moving back to ND to take jobs there. And to be honest, I'd MUCH rather see them in Bismarck than in KC. :)
HMMM...what else? I took my sports medicine boards down in Denver before leaving for KC. I really don't know how I did. If I failed, it can't have been by much. Unfortunately, even though I got a lot of training in peds sports medicine in my fellowship, to become "board-certified" in sports medicine, it's considered a primary care sports medicine test. Meaning, I'd be cruising along on my test, answering the questions about the 15 year old pitcher with elbow pain or the 11 year old soccer player with heel pain, and then come across the questions about the 60 year old who just got a new hip and is wondering what he can do for exercise, or the 35 year old pregnant lady who wants to know if she can still bench press. Big sigh. I just don't care. We'll see, though--it feels good to have the damn thing over with, as it has been hanging over my head for a while. I'd be in the mood to unpack and get the house straightened up, and knew I should be studying instead, so I'd study, but then feel guilty I wasn't helping Mark with the unpacking. Worse case scenerio, we have to throw down another 1800 bucks next spring and I'll take it again, and few people blame me for failing as it's really hard to be studying when you're packing, moving, unpacking, and starting a new job. Here's hoping I passed--if even just by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin.
I'm really happy the new job is working out so well--my two partners are just great people, and everyone in the office has been so nice and helpful. There's just a great vibe at that place--much better than pretty much anywhere else I've ever worked at. It's all good.
OK, back to chil-laxin' with my husband--enjoy your weekend!
35 year old pregnant woman doing a bench press just sounds weird.
I have confidence that you did just fine.
posted at 6:20 AM
I'm sure you did great Dana! Glad to hear things are going so well! Can't wait to see it first hand!
posted at 10:30 AM
Glad to hear things are going well!
So, what about the 27-year old soccer player with a bump on his heel? A certain ex-wife in the crew once told me to use a lift in my shoe. It's been working for the better part of two years, but lately it's getting bad again. I never went to get it checked out because at the time I had no insurance...or course, you didn't hear that from me because I don't want any pre-condition crap to come back and haunt me.
posted at 8:16 AM
Common things being common, you probably have Achilles tendinosis--the tendon used to be inflammed, but then scar tissue and nastiness was put down as the body tried to "heal" it. Heel lifts are only a temporary measure. You can work on calf strengthening (toe raises) and stretching (make sure to hold each stretch for at least 20 seconds). Ice for 20 minutes after each workout for the next couple of weeks. This tends to be a nagging injury...and your bill is in mail.
posted at 12:24 PM
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