Happy Octopus
8/22/2006 09:53:00 PM
Mark's been bugging me to blog for a while, so here you go. I found this picture entitled, "Happy Octopus", and liked it. So there.As you may have figured out from Mark's post, I've been pretty sick for the past week or so. Nasty cold I'm sure I picked up from work--it all started Wednesday with a nasty sore throat, and was full blown gross by the time his parents got to SBS the next night. I was pretty bummed, because I was really looking forward to doing more stuff with them and going on the hikes, but I was so achy and exhausted. Had a blast at the party we threw Saturday night, though--until I lost my voice and couldn't speak at all Sunday or Monday. It's only just started coming back today, and I'm really starting to feel myself again. A friend called yesterday to go hiking, but I just couldn't pull it off--I think I might call her tomorrow morning, though.
So Mark and I have started looking around more at houses here--he started doing it a bit with his parents over the past weekend, but we've been talking about it more and more. It's just such a catch-22. We don't really have the ability to come up with a down payment right now, but are feeling all kinds of pressure to buy because housing just keeps going up and up. And with new improvements planned for the base of the mountain, it's just going to stay that way. I'd love to be in a nice big house, but it just seems so unreasonable right now. Big sigh.
In other news, Mark and I are super-excited about Hutch coming out over Labor Day weekend. We're figuring out all the fun stuff we're going to do and I can't wait. I'll have the weekend off, but am on call on Labor Day itself (but the clinic is closed). Meaning--I can't do a ton on Monday, but the weekend should be great. I think that's going to kind of be the same story when people come visit this winter--Mark will always be able to snowboard on the weekends, and I'll be able to ride maybe one or two days during the week with company, and maybe on the weekend if I'm not on call. Regardless, we still can't wait for people to come out and see us.
Congrats to my friend Tamee, who recently informed me of her pregnancy! She was one of my bridesmaids, the one who I went to high school with who now lives in South Dakota, for those of you who are counting. Awesome--seems like everyone is getting knocked up these days. It's still going to be a number of months for us, I'm afraid, but yes, more likely months than years.
We bought our tickets to the Pi Kapp 10 year Anniversary--flying into Dayton Friday night and driving straight to Miami. I'm pretty excited about it--to be able to see so many friends from Chicago again, get Grillot and Healy bombed so they can tell me funny stories about Mark, and to tell Karen how to REALLY plan a wedding. Should be good times. Steve, have you got your tickets yet, baby?
That's about it, I guess--I still can't believe I get these 7 day breaks from work every 3 weeks in the summer--makes those 13 hour days when I am on call a bit easier. Looks like it's going to go to 4-5 days breaks every 3 weeks in the winter, but that probably won't start until December.
OK, time for the Daily Show.
Have an awesome time at the Dayton Airport and I will think of you and Mark only being 20 minutes away from B.J. and I.
When you guys look into buying a home, check out the First Time Home Buyers info from the government. It's basically free money (3% I think) for a downpayment. That's what we did. The only downside is that whoever is selling the home you want to buy has to agree to the program.
posted at 5:46 AM
We were thinking about the possibility of getting together Sunday afternoon/evening, on our way from Oxford to the airport.
BJ's parents called me and told me he's useless, and asked if I could help fix their computer.
We'll talk on email.
posted at 7:42 AM
Dana, you're the first girl who has ever been "super-excited" to see me!
posted at 8:20 AM
Too bad she is already married, ehh Hutch?
Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well! Colds and sinus-infections during the middle of the summer TOTALLY suck!
Home ownership... ughh, too far away from that to think about it! ;)
posted at 11:26 AM
Apparently I am useless, because Dad bought a new pc after doing a "restore". Dad doesn't have the patience to deal with computers. Stupid Hewlett Packard machine.
posted at 4:30 PM
Sorry you've been sick. Feel better!:)
posted at 8:01 PM
BOOOO... I can't go. Work sucks. E will tell you about it. He's going to bring a picture taken of me while intoxicated (there are MANY) and he'll drink twice as much.
posted at 5:33 PM
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