Little Miss Sunshine

Originally uploaded by Dana Fitz.
So it's been a rough 24 hours for me with work, and after getting home this afternoon and having lunch and an awesome nap with Mark, he really wanted to get out of the house for a bit. We haven't been to see a movie in a while (I still have a hard time believing we haven't seen Superman or Pirates this summer--very odd) so he brought it up and I agreed. I even let him pick.

And I always get a little worried everytime Mark picks out a movie, even though 75% of the time I end up enjoying it. This time around he picked Little Miss Sunshine, which I had heard of--basically just knew it was an indie film--but didn't know what it was about. He assured me I'd love it. And as always, I blindly trusted.

So we took our seats near the door (I am on call, and did get one phone call from a parent, but quick, easy stuff) of the theatre and settled in. I really like the new theatre in SBS.

Couldn't recommend this movie more--Mark and I both talked afterward about how the little girl reminded us of a young Lauren, and befitting me, had a great overriding theme of, well, you watch it and decide for yourself. Oh, and it's hilarious. Casting is perfect. One of the most entertaining movies I've seen in a while.

Mark and I are still trying to figure out what we're going to do for dinner--it's the whole dilemma of he wants to go out and I want to stay in--it's been cloudy and rainy in SBS for most of the day--very fall-like, and I love it. Makes me want to snuggle in by our (unfortunately fake) fireplace. And sleep a lot.

Updated by Mark, added image dimensions so next post doesn't overlap


Blogger mark said...

A) Dana's "blind trust" comes at a price of me convincing her first, usually. 2 sides of every story, as you know.
B) I already forgot what B is.
C) Oh yeah. We had pizza puffs for dinner and then watched Rudy.

Strangely, today it's overcast as well. This is unprecedented - the first time since we've been here it's been overcast two days in a row. Though, there were a couple hours of beautiful blue skies yesterday...

posted at 9:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better - its pretty dreadful here today! Makes it that much harder to go to work on a Monday!

posted at 10:40 AM


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