Mother of all splinters..
8/25/2006 09:28:00 AM
Note: this picture has nothing to do with anything, but I couldn't find the camera yesterday.
So at the end of lunch yesterday, I was lightly sanding down the workbench built on Tuesday to put on another coat of lacquer, and I had to do it quickly as I had a noon conference call to get to. So I'm sanding, sanding, sanding, when all of a sudden the sandpaper lifts up a huge splinter of wood from one of the 2x4s that make up the frame of the workbench, and it jams right into the meat of the pad on my right index finger.
Immediately, I pulled my finger back to take a look. The splinter itself was about 2" long, and was in my finger almost exactly dead center all the way to the first knuckle - about half an inch. Um, OW.
So I pulled it out (mercifully, it came out in one piece), and then started to bleed everywhere (this is a great story, no?). Washed it thoroughly, went upstairs and got some neosporin and a band-aid, and actually was the first to dial in to my conference call!
Today I'm bandageless, and the finger is pretty discolored (from bruising) but doesn't hurt too much unless I'm typing (um, like now) and happen to hit the entry point right on the corner of a key. This happens often. It's not too painful, though.
Anyway, brew day has been put off as I intend to ferment the beer in the garage and would really rather not have it tasting like lacquer, as one might imagine. Also, I figure it's a perfect Friday/weekend thing to do, so hopefully today after work is the time. I also have to find the camera to supply the promised pictures.
Blogger is having a shit today, so I'm not sure if this will post or not (or post multiple times, as blogger sometimes likes to tell you a post failed when it in fact has not).
Otherwise, I've been really busy with work this week. I can't seem to finish projects that have been on the table for ages due to new projects that always seem more urgent. What I really need to do is spend some good time getting the old stuff off the table (ie: finish it) so I'm not so frazzled. It doesn't help that this week we had two pretty big (recurring, scheduled) import jobs fail, which stresses me out (I'm really the only resource who can re-run the jobs) because they're so "need to get done yesterday" kind of things that hold up dozens of people.
But you don't care about work. You want to hear about beer. Alright, already. I'll do it this weekend at the very least. It's been put off also because of equipment problems (as you know), but partly also because sterilization is so important and I don't want to Eff that up, and, well, it's my first time and I don't want to screw it up.
OK, back to work. Break over!
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