No more phone... least not for a couple days. I called Cingular and cancelled today, when I realized that since I told them where I am no living, I haven't received a single text message (or been able to send any, for that matter). AND, they tried to charge me a $175 cancellation fee, but I talked my way out of that sucker somehow.

So, T-Mobile has a phone on the way (and a 300-minute plan and a 400-message plan). Dana and I will share this phone, so I'll probably call them to cancel hers soon as well (it's in my name. Long story.) Otherwise, we'll have to wait until September to cancel hers to complete the term, and two months of payments would BARELY be less than the cancellation fee. Oh well.

As for Pablo's comment about using my current phone on T-Mobile.. We'll see. I've tried unlocking it before, and one more bad code means it's effed. I might just sell it on eBay, along with all my Nokia chargers (three? Four?) after I get all the contact info off of it. We're getting a RAZR with T-Mobile. It was only like $60 and with quad-band means we can bring it overseas. And GPRS, and good coverage here with T-Mobile.

I'll get you all the new phone number as soon as we get the phone in the mail - hopefully by the weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a RAZR?! uggh... I've heard only bad things!

But at least a new one will get you good $$ on E-Bay! ;)

There are other ways of unlocking it. The best is getting the data cable and doing it yourself. The on-line unlock code places aren't very... reliable.

posted at 2:52 PM

Blogger Amy said...

Tee hee. Well somewhere in cingular text msg land, there are few floating around from me.

posted at 2:56 PM


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