
As you can see, the redesign is coming along. Obviously not complete (archives, anyone? Blogroll? All the groovy right-column stuff? Missing.), but well on the way.

Half of the problems I encountered were, of course, stupid errors on my part that weren't detected until hours had been spent troubleshooting.

But now, we get:
  • a custom design,

  • a cleaner look than the half-assed edit from last Saturday at midnight,

  • nice little pictures at the TOP of every post, to let you know who posted what,

  • bigger pictures! (an extra 100 pixels across - see above)

Really, I'm happy with the way things look so far, but we're not out of the woods yet. I was just really disgusted with the way I hacked together the last half-version, so I wanted to get this out as quickly as possible. Also, looking at a half-complete site should entice me to finish it that much more quickly.


So, yes, as you can see from the moblog post earlier today, we got our season passes this afternoon. Unfortunately our plans to hike at the top of the gondy were foiled as it closes at 4pm on weekdays. Who knew!? I'll try to go later this week when I have time (meaning: not spending time preparing a gourmet feast for Dana).

Anyway, if you come across some obvious problems or strange behavior in the blog in the next couple days, be sure to let me know in the comments (that way other people know you're having the same problems as them, and I don't get a million emails detailing the same problem). The right column will make a glorious return eventually.

One funny thing is, the site is aligned correctly in IE, but not (yet) in Firefox. I'll have to wait for Scott to let me know about the status in whatever browser he uses on his Mac.

Feedback welcome! Ideas also welcome! Thanks for putting up with this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

from left to right : camino (based on ffox, same rendering engine), lynx (for the real heads out there), and safari.

seems to have the most issues in safari

posted at 11:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I go to the permanent link for the post, the bottom bar blocks the last line of text. Otherwise, looking good!

posted at 12:10 AM

Blogger mark said...

One other problem I've found - since I'm lazy and never dimension the graphics in my posts, the page sometimes renders the previosu post title on top of the current post's text. This can be fixed by refreshing your browser, but it basically means I have to start specifying how tall my images are. Drat.

posted at 7:32 AM

Blogger mark said...

...And based on Scott's results, might I suggest that everyone start browsing in Lynx? :)

Looks like the Safari problem is only with the UL? I'll work on the CSS for ULs.

posted at 7:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

also, I no longer get your full entry in my RSS agregator... perhaps it was a settings change?

posted at 9:00 AM

Blogger mark said...

Interesting. I'll have to check that out as well. Thanks, Pablo. Also, I see that line on the last line of text as well. It on my 'seek and destroy' list.

posted at 9:05 AM

Blogger B.J. said...

Your picture on your post title looks gay. Can you fix that?

posted at 3:33 PM

Blogger B.J. said...

Ahh, I finally installed Firefox, your picture looks much less gay now.

posted at 4:01 PM


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