Stupid Picasa; last night and this weekend.
8/05/2006 10:20:00 AM
(See what I'm talking about)
I tried to post - unsuccessfully - directly from Picasa. Of course, lost the whole post. Nice long one, too. (cilck on the pic above for the album of last night's awesome dinner)
So, where was I?
Accomplishments since finishing work yesterday: straightened/cleaned kitchen; ditto the dining area; cooked gourmet lobster birthday dinner sent by Scott from Maine; fixed home network, which used to be split on two subnets (don't ask)... and there was something else I listed in the last list that I've forgotten..
Happening this weekend: today is a "welcome new doc" party for Dana, so we'll be doing that. I'm determined to hang the pot rack and attempt to build a workbench at some point as well. If I build the workbench, it means the garage will get cleaned (it's a mess of tools everywhere since rebuilding D's bike and working on my fixie). I'll probably also get and mount a vice and the wheel-truing tool once the bench is built. D and I want to straighten the office more to remove the remainder of crap from the floor...
...and tomorrow I think I'm going to hike up Mt. Werner again, this time solo. D is on call all weekend, so she's probably going to take the Gondola up and meet me at the top, where we'll hike a one-mile loop to evaluate its difficulty before my parents come in two weeks. This is really our last chance to do that (and to get the place in order) before my p's get here, as we'll be watching the Cubbies in Denver next weekend (we have tix for Saturday and Sunday's game, and will probably scalp tix for Friday if we don't meet my uncle out for dinner instead).
So! I think I've gotten everything that Picasa didn't post for me. I have to shower for this party now.
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