Tools, building and the weekend
8/22/2006 09:29:00 AM
Yesterday I took another trip to ACE to get a circ saw, a square, and an extension cord. I was going to head to the local lumber place afterwards (and, in fact, did) to pick up some wood for my planned workbench (see MAKE Magazine's plans for a workbench), but they can't cut wood well, so Wes and I are going to take a trip today and cut the sheet of plywood at his place (as a carpenter, he's got the table saw required - among a myriad of other tools). So that plan got put off a day, but it really shouldn't take long at all to build today, which is nice becuase it will also get me to clean up the dang garage. And yes, I'll get you some pictures of it.
Also, my faucet/hose adapter comes in today (along with my IPA kit), so brew day will probably be tomorrow after work. Mmmmm. Beer. We've been saving and cleaning longneck bottles as well, and with several more saved up (and some new caps purchased) I should be set to brew more than one batch at a time. I imagine the IPA brew day will be about a week after the "Light Ale" brew day, which will mean lots and lots of beer for anyone who visits in September/October. Along with the ingredient and adapter arriving today, I'm also getting a book on how to create new recipes, so I guess you could say I'm diving into this beer thing whole hog. Should be fun.
My folks were in this past weekend as well, and the four of us had a great time (despite Dana's being sick most of the weekend). They arrived Thursday afternoon/evening (after some furious cleaning and organizing of the boxes in the guestroom), and we celebrated with a bottle of champagne (no, not everyone will get the VIP treatment like that), and I think we headed out for dinner somewhere (though I already can't recall where).
Friday, we headed to Fish Creek Falls in the morning, then picked up Dana, stopped by her office to show my P's around, and then went for lunch at Tugboat by the mountain. We then headed up the Gondy and did a short little hike up there which just about knocked out Dana, rode the gondy back down and headed home (after a little sightseeing detour for the benefit of my parents). Again, we ditched Dana so she could get some rest, and drove around much of the afternoon to give them the lay of the land and so we could go house-hunting. Came home and decided to cancel our dinner reservations for that night, and picked up some swordfish and steak from Steamboat Meat and Seafood company, then some fresh produce from the local produce place. Holy crap, what a great meal.
We augmented the dinner with too much wine and assorted other booze and the four of us drank ourselves to sleep at a late hour. (this happened pretty much every night).
Saturday was "hike day", and again the P's and I ditched Dana. At my mother's urging we decided to hike a trail that a friend of hers recommended (not being a blog reader, she didn't realize I had been scoping out trails for some time), and of course we got lost and ended up hiking on a rutted dirt road. The good thing is, even the rutted dirt roads are scenic when you're (approximately) on top of the Continental Divide, so the three of us still had a good time. Rain threatened, but since I came prepared with warm clothes and rain gear for the three of us (and three times as much water as needed) it thankfully stayed away.
While we were out, Dana went to pick up a few supplies for the party we had Saturday night - the idea being that it would be an easy way for my folks to meet her coworkers. On the way home from the hike we stopped at Backcountry Provisions for some food (me: Hot Springs; Dana: Pilgrim; Mom: Lost Creek; Dad: Summit), and came home to enjoy, take a cat nap, and prep for our company. Along the way we ran into the owner of our place, so I invited him and his girlfriend, and our next-door neighbors who we hadn't seen since the week we moved in. The latter showed up, the former did not.
Our "party" started at 4:30 and we were planning on heading to the rodeo at 7:30 but, well, plans changed. We ended up drinking 8 bottles of wine, finishing off a bottle of gin (and probably most of another one - it's an opaque bottle so there's no telling), along with about a six pack of beer, some vodka drinks... you get the idea.
Anyway, the neighbors were the last ones to leave (but by no means overstayed their welcome), and at that point it was probably about 9 pm, so we decided to order a pizza after drinking some more wine.
Sunday was a wicked hangover day, and the P's left at about 9 or 10 to catch their flight in Denver. Dana and I walked around town (got a library card, went to the soda fountain, the book store, etc) and came home and chilled.
Anyway, this post is long enough, and since D is off today I told her she had to blog too. The blog world (apart from Pablo and the ever-posting Joter) is boring lately, so I'm just doing my part here.
wow - keeping busy I see! Glad you guys had a blast with your rents!
Did Dana have a cold or something?
posted at 11:00 AM
I just think she misses me. She had a rough time with Dayton and Houston being so far apart, but now she is all the way in Colorado. It is just too much for her to handle. She'll get used to the feeling of loss though, unfortunately it never goes away, kind of like herpes.
posted at 1:59 PM
Pablo: she had some virus or something, and somehow I've (to this point) avoided contracting it. No doubt I'll get it just before hutch gets here.
Joter: glad to see you can finally put the knowledge you gained after contracting the Herp to good use. Unfortunately, you're a bit off - it's your wife she's after.
posted at 2:49 PM
That may be true, but to get to Jen you have to get to me first.
posted at 3:12 PM
TOTALLY unrelated - but I just thought about it earlier today... you have been pretty quiet after the Tour - with everything thats in the news about Landis I was wondering what your thoughts are...
posted at 11:30 AM
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