Why I hate Blogger.. (See what I'm talking about)
So after work today I get working on updating our template for the blog. A total redesign. And, just like last time (the design you're looking at now, in fact), the preview looks different than the published product.

Except this time it's ridiculous. Not even close. Check out the difference here: a screenshot of the preview, and a screenshot of the published result.

Blech. Blogger, you suck. Now I have to figure out how to troubleshoot this. And I haven't even tried either of them in IE yet. (but again, none of you should be using IE).


Blogger B.J. said...

Blogger has always been like that. Need to get some real programmers over there.

posted at 7:29 PM

Blogger mark said...

I spent a heck of a long time trying to get that template to work yesterday.. I worked on it for at least another hour and a half after that post..

..the good news is, I got one of the most screwed-up elements to work (the titlebar with the writer's picture overlapping it, and the date/time posted). AND it works in IE as well.

The problem isn't necessarily with Blogger as much as with my development methodology. I go so far, test it out, and if it's not working I futz with it until it does. The CSS is really complicated, and add on top of that their proprietary blogging engine and it's a crapshoot.

Lucky for you all, I'm really, really good.

Hopefully I'll have something up by the end of the week.

The thing I like best about the new design is that it won't look like a cookie-cutter Blogger blog anymore. Unfortunately, though, I don't have the capability (or tenacity) to get rid of the blogger bar at the top of the screen. But that doesn't really bother me. They ARE hosting the blog for free, after all..

posted at 8:41 AM

Blogger Hutch said...

Some of us have to use IE on our work computers!

posted at 8:42 AM

Blogger mark said...

I call shenanigans, Hutch. You could get Firefox to work with your firewall in about 30 seconds if you tried.

posted at 8:59 AM

Blogger Hutch said...

It's not getting it to work that's the problem. It's that we're banned from using "unapproved" software and they're actually cracking down on it.

posted at 12:44 PM


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