Yesterday, tomorrow, and various ramblings.

So after work yesterday I rode to the mountain and deflowered my new season pass, taking the gondy* up to check out a 1-mile loop on top of the mountain (well, at the top of the gondy, anyway), with the plan being to hike the 1-miler as an evaluation before my parents get here next weekend, and then hike down the 3-mile trail to the base (just didn't have enough time to hike up, around, and down before having to put on the chef hat and make dinner).

So, there are some great views (watch my picasaweb account for a new album later today), but the trail is really very "meh" - it took all of 20 minutes and didn't have much to offer, so I think we'll skip that and just take the P's to Fish Creek Falls (note to self: get a CO parks pass for the car) and the hike I went on last weekend at Spring Creek.

But of course, at the very end of the one-mile loop (I'd call the trail by its name but it escapes me right now), I rolled my left ankle in a rut in the trail as I rubbernecked to look at this mountain biker who looked just like a guy I used to work with (Tim Clement, for those of you who were wondering. I'm pretty certain it wasn't him, I was just having a Pablo moment).

As I was still right by the gondy I evaluated whether or not I should hike or ride down, but opted to hike. It was the right decision; the ankle is fine now.

However, I totally janked up my RIGHT foot somehow (referring to the picture up top, it feels like my Navicular, whateverthefrack that is), so now I'm limping around like a cripple Hutch. Hopefully it won't bother me riding into town to get some errands done today.

D half-examined me last night, but only after my insistent prodding as she is scared to death of misdiagnosing me (becuase, presumably, then I would have something to hold over her head forevermore; eg: "Remember that time I had foot-cancer and you thought it was tendonitis?**")

Anyway, like I said. Keep your eyes out for my picasaweb pics of this hike later today.

I'm not sure I've mentioned it, but Dana and I are heading to Denver tomorrow night as the Cubbies are due to trounce the Rockies this weekend. We ordered tix a while ago for Saturday and Sunday's games, and we'll either scalp tickets for Friday's game, find something else to do in the city, or go out to dinner with my uncle in Denver (who I have yet to call, which is why it's third on the list). I can't say I'm looking forward to getting out of the Boat, but I'm not all broken up about it or anything. And we can get some supplies and stuff while we're there, so the trip won't be all fun and games. Expect some moblogging from Coors Field, natch.

Today, my homebrew kit is supposed to arrive (all 60-some pounds of it, in three separate packages!). I won't have time for what they call "brew day" and "bottling day" before we leave (it's supposed to be fairly simple, though time consuming), so that will probably happen sometime next week. Then, it's a 27-day wait, apparently, while the beer ferments in bottles before it's drinkable. I'll do my best to document the entire process in the hope of luring one of you suckers out here to try it for me. Each batch, as I understand it, will be a 5-gallon brew, which comes out to something like 60 12oz. beers - almost enough to supply BJ for an entire week! Rest assured, I will keep all up-to-date with the whole process and do my best to let you know how things are going.

I guess this means I'll have to clean the garage. And re-organize! I don't know where this stuff is gonna go... I'll spare you and not be as diligent in documenting that part.

*gondy = Steamboat towniespeak for "gondola"
**I'm not sure there's any such thing as foot-cancer, nor do I believe that's what ails me. Example is for illustrative purposes only. Not to mention the fact that I would never be so petty. I would be much more passive-aggressive about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best line: "Remember that time I had foot-cancer and you thought it was tendonitis?"

How far is denver from where you live? I'll be in Denver for training in November so curious.

posted at 10:50 AM

Blogger mark said...

Keri - shut yer pie hole.

Josh - Denver is about a 3.5 hour drive. In November though, it could be as much as a 7-hour drive (which we found out the hard way).

posted at 10:54 AM

Blogger B.J. said...

This guy at work flipped a riding lawn mower and he broke two Metatarsals, his Talus and two lacerations that required stitches.

posted at 1:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

strange.. you blog isn't updating in my browser unless I hit refresh (F5).

Only reason I knew was because my aggregator got your balloon pic! Even your individual entries aren't updating (couldn't see the comments on this post until I hit refresh)


posted at 9:59 AM

Blogger mark said...

Yeah, I'm having refresh problems as well. I'll add that to my to-do fix list (no-cache).

posted at 10:33 AM


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