New Project
OK, now that I've got my first brew down (only thing left to do is wait and drink it), I'm moving on to another "project" at home.

I'm frantically (ok, maybe not all that frantically) looking for some pictures of the old chest our TV used to sit on because my new project involves basically taking it apart, de-stinkifying it (it's 99 years old if the label on the inside is to be trusted - it smells like my grandmother's basement), reinforcing it, and putting it back together. Except instead of opening on the top, it will be kind of a "hidden" door that opens down from the front. Hard to describe in words.

Anyway, yesterday I started this little project (shouldn't take more than, say, a week?, if I dedicate enough time to it), and today the front panel is off and I'm 50% done taking the front of the top (old) door off. These will be attached to each other and serve as the new door.

I've already planned out the framing on the inside and just have to buy some wood (then cut and assemble it, natch). Then it's time to buy an IR repeater and probably a fan or two to vent the heat out the back, and we're done. I also measured to verify that the components that matter most will also fit inside (those being the Satellite box, TiVo, DVD and amp - who needs a VCR or CD player anymore anyway?), and we look good to go.

Because the "ancient mildew" smell is so incredibly potent, I decided on a strip/sand/bleach/lacquer method of destinkifying. Waiting for the layers of lacquer to dry will probably take the most time of anything in this project. Well, that, and trying to figure out how to attach the new door in a way that doesn't immediately identify it as a door. We'll see.

Anyway, if I find a picture of the old thing, I'll be sure to add it to this post.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you could probably get away with putting some molding over the edges of the door, and using the same molding elsewhere on the chest to further camoflage it's purpose. But that may to obtrusive, depending on what the chest looks like already.

posted at 11:28 AM

Blogger mark said...

There's a nice vertical steel band on either side that is going to work pretty well (though my cuts weren't too great at first, they got better), and a wood band at the bottom (where the hinge will be) and at the top where the door will close.

Really, these descriptions are pretty useless without pictures. But I didn't worry too much (obviously) about a "before" picture.

Ah, well.

posted at 1:52 PM

Blogger JK said...

A good way to get the mildew smell out of anything is baking soda. Of course if you laquer it, that would work also.

Sounds like a cool project, good luck!

posted at 4:33 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Man, I wish I had buddies around me to do projects with. It was awesome when Nash and Lizak came up to help me do my wood floors. But why am I telling this to you, you wouldn't ask for help you lone ranger. By the way, I was hoping to get Windows 95...don't you have it on ZiP...

posted at 7:02 AM


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