Happy Halloweenie!

Originally uploaded by Dana Fitz.
Well, I decided I should procrastinate a bit before actually getting work done around the house. Although I did pick up the living room, do some vacuuming, and throw in some laundry, but there's still much more to do. Mark has been cleaning up our office, which as SORELY needed some straightening. To be honest, I'm surprised two neat freaks like ourselves even let it get that bad. I guess that's where the lazy part comes in.

As for Halloween, Mark and I are considering not going out at all--neither one of us is feeling that great (insert favorite OLD joke here) and we want to be in prime form for Karen and Erik's wedding this weekend. It's not like we really had costumes planned--Mark was going to don the Elvis costume (he's been sporting huge mutton chops all week in anticipation) and I was just going to sprout some angel wings. I guess when one marries a theater geek, you just end up with costumes galore around the house, ready at any time.

I still have a hard time believing it's almost November. Mark and I bought our tickets home to Fargo over New Year's, and the plans are starting to discussed for Mark's family when they are here over Christmas. After our Fargo trip, Mark and I are really good on travel for a while--we'll probably be sticking close to home in the winter months, with the possible exception of me going to a medical conference at some point. There's one in Hawaii that doesn't look too bad....

OK, back to work.


Blogger mark said...

You can tell the new manager has my nose to the grindstone - three posts in a row from D!

And don't worry, JK, if I can't get the camera working to document the huge sideburns, I'll take a pic with the cellphone for you. Sadly, it won't be in the big E costume, or with the planned Elvis hair (and finally, I've got enough hair to do it right!).

Well, there's always next year.

posted at 2:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a friends and family plan for these medical conferences?! Hawaii sounds great!

Yea - though I'm sure there is plenty going on tonight in Chi-town, I'm still exhausted from the weekend! Might just take it easy as well...

posted at 3:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish Mark had kept the pork chops for the wedding- Spiderman would have loved that...I have pics up--my name on flickr is bhoech....
hope to see you two again soon!
Mr and Mrs Spiderman

posted at 11:02 AM


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