
Originally uploaded by Dana Fitz.
Well, I am feeling a bit better in terms of my sinus infection, although I still don't want to take antibiotics, and since I'm getting a little bit better every day, I'm going to try and let my body kick this on it's own. I made Mark get a flu shot with me on Sunday, so hopefully that will prevent some badness the winter.

But in terms of traumatic--that is the only way I can sum up this weekend. I really shouldn't get into the details too much since this is a small town and a public blog, but let's just say I had to Life Flight a little girl to Denver by helicopter last night for brain surgery. Scary s. I'm still processing the whole deal, to tell you the truth. I had spent the whole weekend talking to the family, trying to get the kid seen, but the parents didn't seem too concerned about her condition--but I was freaked out from the first time I talked to them. Last I heard kid was doing OK. But it was definitely one of those life-changing weekends. I finally allowed myself to break down last night--just from the stress of it all. But doing OK now--just processing. I have a feeling I'll be doing that for a while.

I had a super busy morning in the clinic, and was very happy to be done by 2 this afternoon and off of work for a while after such a crazy weekend. I have tomorrow off, and I just really want to not be a doctor for a day. It's weird--I have this gift of being able to handle dealing with very very sick kids, knocking on death's door, with a clear head about what needs to be done and how to compassionately handle parents. But then when I have a chance to finally let my guard down--kids stable, parents are OK, I'm home from the hospital, I just lose it. It's pretty hard sometimes. But I can do it, and I know most people can't, which makes me realize even more I need to keep doing what I'm doing. All I can say--thank God for Mark. I don't know how I could do my job without him waiting for me when I get home.

OK, I've probably said too much already, more as a result of going for wings and beer at one of our favorite bars and watching the Vikings get their asses kicked on Monday Night Football. But I'm starting to feel more relaxed for the first time in 48 hours, so that's good thing. Just give me tomorrow to chill, and I'll be ready for work again on Wednesday. Mark and I are bummed we couldn't make the Halloween Party, and no doubt Chris Gongola gets my vote for best costume.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss ya and love ya and I'm glad you are in the world to be who you are and do the things you do.

There, now we've both said too much for your blog :)

Oh, and if you feel like you need to process some more... I know a pretty good shrink (most days) you can call her anytime :)

posted at 6:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... I don't know how you handle it! Somebody once asked me why I didn't want to become a doctor like my father - and I told them that I just couldn't handle situations like the one you just described...

...but it is good to know that there are people out there that can! :)

posted at 11:02 AM


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