
Originally uploaded by Dana Fitz.
So I'm just getting some homemade banana bread (thanks Mark!) in me, along with some coffee, this morning before heading out on the mountain. It's still not above zero, but whatever. Over 50 trails are open now!

Yesterday was crazy at work--saw 30 kids, the most I've seen in a day since starting here. Somehow no one had to wait longer than 30 minutes. I'm pretty damn proud of that.

So afterward--Mark had a rough day as well--we headed over to Tap House for some beers and trivia. And wouldn't you was geography day and the questions were all about North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana trivia. AWESOME!! We came in late to the game and still kicked ass. And I bet you didn't know Bottineau, ND has a gi-normous statue of a turtle named Tommy, riding a snowmobile. To be honest, neither did I.

A couple nights ago we watched Office Space again--what a great movie. And another reason to start the "douchebag movie characters named Steve" thread from Dave's blog. I'll leave that to Mark....

Anyway, I'm going to go play in the snow while I can--I'm on call this weekend, so I'm not sure how much I'll get to play later. Yea! Snow!

And congrats to Jed and Brad and their beautiful baby girl!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow - thats an impressive amount of kids! Sounds like you found your groove!

Now get your groove on in the snow! ;)

posted at 10:16 AM

Blogger mark said...

I got a grand total of about three hours of sleep last night - the rest of the time was spent trying to sleep or, at one point, I got out of bed and read newsweek for a while (since I lying in bed not being able to fall back asleep was so annoying). Then D goes to the mountain, and after that the spa for the day. Dang. I want a spa day.

Anyway, too busy at work to do any real blogging, but here you go: the "Steve" character in Office Space is the former-software-developer turned fake-crack-addict-magazine-salesman who they ask how to launder money. Steve.

Let's hear some more famous "Steves" from the movies. Too bad Rick Moranis' character in Ghostbusters name wasn't Steve. That would have been perfect.

posted at 10:39 AM

Blogger JK said...

Today in Dayton it is 65 degrees and raining. Tomorrow afternoon it will be 35 degrees and snowing. Crazy midwest weather!

posted at 11:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll take your word for it that seeing 30 kids a day is pretty kewl. I mean, I can drive by a school and see that many kids all at one time. (kidding, sounds like you're working your tale off)

Of course, having the words "kids", "drive by" and "school" all in the same sentence probably just got your site flagged by the NSA.

Another famous "Steve" from the about that-guy-who-played-Ferris-Bueller in Cable Guy. I only remember his characters name cause of the way Jim Carrey says it with a lisp.

Also, here's another famous Steve from the movies.

posted at 6:45 PM


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