Winter things I was unaware of...
11/10/2006 08:29:00 PM
One thing they didn't tell me when moving to Colorado was that in a place that gets over 400 inches of snow a year, it's prudent to invest in snow tires.I'm not sure I even knew there was such a thing as snow tires. Little did I know.
Also, little did we realize that when purchasing a second car, we would need to buy 8 of the suckers (that would be 4 per car for the mathematically disinclined). Sigh.
But, safety first! Besides, a good investment, and only a one-time expense. Well, until the treads wear down.. whatever.
Of course, this revelation comes (at the urging of pretty much everyone around town) after I've spent my budget this month on a rack for the Subaru. I got a good deal on the bars and mounts on eBay, and a good discount on a ski/snowboard carrier at Of course, while there I had to get us gaiters for our looming wintry adventures.
Since the last major snowfall (think: covered pumpkins) we haven't gotten anything substantial. Rest assured, as soon as we do Dana and I will be out there documenting it for you.
A couple random things as well: I haven't talked about the trunk/remote thingie in a while because upon arrival I realized that the remote wasn't working, and I just got a replacement today. I hope to have the trunk complete by Thanksgiving. I'll take pictures for you greedy fools.
Also, as if you haven't noticed, the glorious return of adSense on the right (as if I'll ever see any money from it..), and the collapsible info so you don't have to look at our weather since you probably don't care very much.
That's all. I'm going to remove myself from the computer now.
also: I will accept requests for additional sidebar content. I'm thinking some kind of "Listening to.." that ties into iTunes. Might prove difficult on blogger, however.
posted at 8:59 PM
Yeah, it's funny--growing up in Fargo, my parents would always put snow tires on the cars in November. I figured once we'd buy an all-wheel drive (which we never had in Fargo) we'd be fine, but apparently not. Sigh. I'll start saving for retirement NEXT year, after we've purchased all the goodies/necessities for living in Steamboat.
posted at 9:35 PM
sweeet snow tires on a scooby! I've gotta get out there for some snow drifting in powder!
Screw the snow cats - your Subaru should be able to take us anywhere! ;)
Which snows did you end up getting?
posted at 9:38 AM
Nokian RSi. Nothing but the best for my baby.
I also got some cheapo dunlops for the CR-V on some steelies. We put the RSis on the stock rims we got with the Subaru and will be getting new rims at the end of the season (so we don't have to pay people twice a year to switch tires on and off for us).
posted at 7:31 AM
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