Super Organization
So, I was supposed to blog about it last week but didn't - my work week was pretty hectic and at the end of the day the last thing I wanted to be doing was sitting in front of a computer.. but to get to the point, we saw Superman Returns (thanks, Netflix), and frankly, I didn't like it at all. The sfx were over the top, and the acting made me think of a high school play - it was like these kids were pretending to be Superman and Lois Lane (and, even Spacey as Luthor was a letdown).

It was just too over-the-top. I guess it means I'm getting old? Who knows. But don't take the time to watch it if you haven't already - it's eminently skippable.


I just finished organizing a box of crap in the office closet that had made inroads to the office proper - it was like a robot exploded - old computer parts and wires and plugs and keyboards and all kinds of stuff had vomited forth from the closet, so this weekend D and I took a much-needed trip to Staples to buy some organizational stuff, some printer paper, and she picked up stuff for her office.

We also got some great XMas shopping done this weekend, so I'm excited about that as well. We have five presents here already (one for us, four for Jonah and Primo - two each), and I'm sure as the days go by more and more will appear...

...which is why I started work (in earnest) on that damnable chest again. I'm 95% done sanding now, so it's just the lacquer coat and a frame (and a couple strategially-placed holes) before it's ready - and it won't be a moment too soon. Currently, our TV is sitting on the old coffee table (against the wall), next to another table with our components on it. When I get done with the chest/trunk, I'll be able to hide the components (the ones we use, anyway) inside and put the TV on top, freeing up a TON of space (not to mention two tables), and it will also give us room to put up our tree, which we plan to acquire next Saturday (so the pressure's on for me!).

Anyway, that's my update for now. I got a niggling problem solved first thing this morning so decided to clean up the robot vomit. Back to work now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hating on Superman Returns and not leaving a single comment on my first Jack Bauer post for Season 6?


posted at 11:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, I'm in dire need of organizing and making our place a bit more... umm... homey.

Glad you said something about Superman Returns - I've been wanting to pick it up!

posted at 2:06 PM

Blogger mark said...


It's in protest to your lack of a Britney link.

(not really).

posted at 5:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was watching the MAC Championship game where C. Michigan destroyed OU and saw a sign that said, "Dan Bazuin once sacked Chuck Norris 10 times in a pickup football game." Best. Sports. Sign. Ever. I remembered that because of the Jack Bauer comment and how people made a list of ridiculous statements about him that were first made about Chuck "Bruce Lee Kicks My Backside" Norris

posted at 8:22 PM


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