Winter Carnival

Originally uploaded by Dana Fitz.
So this weekend is the Winter Carnival here, and we're trying to figure out all the stuff we're going to be checking out. Kids on skis getting pulled behind horses, some guy skiing down Howelsen covered in lights and fireworks, parades--should be awesome.

House stuff is coming along well--we're meeting the inspector on Monday, which will be good to get a better idea of what kind of improvements we'll be doing right off the bat. I ran past the place yesterday, and they still don't have an "under contract" sign up on the for sale sign, but whatever. My run ended up being a lot longer than I had anticipated--just over 6 miles, which is the longest I've gone since doing the Fargo Marathon last spring. I was expecting to do more of about 5 miles, but was running along a new route and it was longer than I had thought. Didn't have any water or GU with me, and by the time I got back to the house, I was beat. I was trying to figure out why I was so weak and nauseated in the shower, and then when I started getting super dizzy figured that my blood sugar must be at all time lows. A packet of GU and half a Clif Bar and I was fine in about 15 minutes. God bless sugar.

I've been trying to get more training runs in since LIsa, Sheila, and I are doing the Steamboat Pentathlon together in a few weeks, and if Sheila agrees to the longer course, I'll have a 5 mile run to cap off the "race". Regardless, I am signed up for the Steamboat Half-Marathon the beginning of June, and need to start getting more prepared. I was thinking of going snowshoeing this morning, but I woke up just too damn sore.

Other than that, not much else going on. Mark and I are new addicts to the DIY Network, I'm currently on my 5 day break from work and don't have to be back again until Tuesday (although I do have to get some paperwork done at the hospital today), and cleaning up the house a bit. We have a ton of pictures on the floor that we were always meaning to hang, but now that we'll (hopefully) be moving in May, what's the use? I'm thinking about packing those up somehow, but that also sounds like work, and I'm not too excited about that right now. Think I'll go read for a while....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm... I rode on the trainer a few times before our visit. I didn't get back on it right away when we returned because my quads were so sore... not sure what my excuse is since then! :)

Here is a question for ya - after being out on the slopes for a few hours, then coming in for food - my face would start tingling when I was eating. Is that a blood sugar thing or a temperature thing?

I definitely needed more hydration while out there - bringing the camelback next time!

posted at 4:12 PM


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