With the purchase of our upstairs floor here (and pictured to the right), the spending spree is (mostly) complete.

In fact, I shouldn't have to order much more of anything. Another trip to Home Depot will be warranted for the pickup of our special-order door, and I'm sure I'll do some more damage then, but other than that, we're looking good!

This floor should get to Denver in a couple or three weeks, and be on a truck to Steamboat a day or two after that. Boo-ya!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hat's pretty. E and I definitely need to make a trip out there to see the fruits of the Fitzes.

posted at 7:00 AM

Blogger Karen said...

er, That's pretty.

And now you see one of several reasons why I have not been blogging - can't type worth a damn these days.

posted at 7:01 AM

Blogger mark said...

That's no excuse!!!

(and yes you do)

posted at 7:25 AM


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