Not a real post..
..but I wanted to get this out there quickly.

Nowhere else in the world would you ever see a record in the police report that reads:

12:34 p.m. A woman reportedly saw a wounded coyote heading west under the James Brown Soul Center of the Universe Bridge. The coyote was gone when officers arrived.

Yes. We have a bridge named the "James Brown Soul Center of the Universe" bridge. You gotta love it. I think it probably magically healed that coyote.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is awesome, but...

Is this bridge in Steamboat? Cause you know, if I think of James Brown...I think of Steamboat.

posted at 10:50 AM

Blogger mark said...

Yeah, sure is - right next to the library.

A quick google yielded this Wikipedia article and this local article.

posted at 2:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and you never took us to SEE the bridge!? ;)

posted at 4:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "woman" is the main suspect in this incident. I've seen it a 1,000 times in Lifetime Network mystery movies.

posted at 2:16 PM


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