Blog Already!

So Mark's been nagging me for long times to finally get around and blog, so here you go.

16 1/7 weeks preggo today, and I'm feeling pretty good. Here's a recent ultrasound picture for all of you.

I get tired pretty easily, and achy at night, but that and some nasty acne outbreaks are really the worst of it so far. My pants don't fit so well anymore, and I'm kinda in that limbo stage of clothes don't fit but it's too early to wear hot and sexy maternity gear. Mark's a lucky man. I feel like an old lady with how much I could complain.

But even though I'm not the hugest fan of actually being pregnant, the whole idea of being a mom and having a family makes up for everything. I'm glad I have a good nine months to get used to the idea, because it does take some getting used to. But everything has really gone well so far. We just heard back on the screening tests for Down's, Spina Bifida, and a couple other weirdo genetic diseases, and everything was normal. We have our big ultrasound where they measure and look at everything in about a month, which should be good times. We're not finding out the baby's sex until he or she comes out of my va-jay-jay, so we've taken to switching pronouns by month. For June, baby is referred to as "she", which has me thinking I'm carrying a girl, but next month when we switch back to "he", I'm sure I'll be positive it's a boy again. Although all the Old Wives Tales say I'm having a boy (very little morning sickness, bad acne, carrying the baby lower in my belly--they showed that on the ultrasound last time--), and I just like telling Mark I'm sure it's a boy because of this mostly because it drives him crazy. And that's always fun.

Work is awesome, my contract as an employee is officially up July 12th, and we've already met to discuss me buying into the practice as a full partner. This is a huge deal and kicks major ass.

Gearing up for a big road trip next month back to North Dakota, planning to see Missy and her family (with a new baby who is gonna pop out any day now), and spend some time with my parents, brother, and his family at my parents' lake cabin in Minnesota. Should be way good times, well, as much as can be had when I'm not drinking with my dad. Doesn't look so good for the pediatrician's kid to have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, but man, I do miss me microbrews.....

Mark's picking at his feet right now and that's grossing me out. I have to go make him stop.


Blogger mark said...

As you can clearly see from the ultrasound, it's definitely my baby.

posted at 9:02 PM

Blogger JK said...

I also thought I was having a boy, since I carried low, didn't have morning sickness, and had breakouts like a 14 year old. So we were surprised when the ultrasound showed a girl!

From experience, pregnancy sucks, but it is so worth it when you see that baby!

posted at 6:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all this calling the baby she then he, hopefully you don't end up with a he/she.

posted at 8:17 AM

Blogger B.J. said...

Dana, 9 months is not nearly long enough to get used to the idea that you are a parent. I'm still not used to it.

posted at 9:26 AM

Blogger mark said...

Update: I stopped by the house at lunch today and there was a drywall guy there mixing up joint compound. I tried (to no avail, only very very confused looks) to talk to him. Ah, well.

I left before he had a chance to get scared away. I'll be back this afternoon/evening to clean up in preparation for our arrival Friday.

posted at 12:34 PM


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