Oh man, I hope they make this happen. (UPDATED) (See what I'm talking about)
Too bad it would cost a fortune, and probably nullify any insurance you might carry. But still, how sweet?!

UPDATE: Here's a video of the world-record jump Pablo and I discuss in the comments below:

True story: he actually did get on a surfboard after landing in the water, and surfed all the way home, breaking several other records.</lie>


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that would be sweet, and by sweet
I mean totally awesome!

You can space-dive and look like a
Power Ranger at the SAME TIME!
Hell YESS!

posted at 9:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

color me skeptical if a 6 inch piece of fiber glass can fall off a shuttle and cause it to disintegrate that a space suit would suffice. I mean, what happens if you tie your shoelaces wrong in this thing.

posted at 10:54 AM

Blogger mark said...

Your shoe comes untied?

The big difference is that the shuttle re-enters the atmosphere at orbital speed (tens of thousands of miles per hour). This dude wouldn't come down nearly so fast (Due to his parachutes) and could safely descend. Some crazy Mo-fo did it back in the 60's or something - took a balloon up to 100km and jumped out. Apparently he broke the sound barrier twice, but he's still alive to tell about it. Very cool stuff.

posted at 11:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A balloon up to 100km?! I seriously doubt that!

According to the hypertextbook the highest manned flight was 32,668 (33km)and..

"according to the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, a zero-pressure balloon is capable of rising to an altitude of 140,000 feet (42,000 m)."

more info

That being said - a space jump would be schweeet...

posted at 12:09 PM

Blogger mark said...

What I meant to say was 100k FEET. :) Stupid metric system.

posted at 12:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah... makes more sense..

Speaking of video of said jump!

cool stuff

posted at 1:01 PM

Blogger mark said...

Someone.. (Boards of canada? Postal Service?) has a music video where all it is is that jump. I haven't seen the one you linked - likely it's the same thing. If not, I'll check to see if I can find it.

posted at 2:57 PM

Blogger mark said...

It is Boards of Canada

posted at 3:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, now THAT is a spiritual journey... by the way I just read that the Spice Girls are reuniting for a world tour :o)

posted at 6:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, so your video is cooler than mine... ;)

Good stuff! Had you seen that video before?!

posted at 9:48 AM

Blogger mark said...

Yeah - actually, I think I came across it a long time ago when reading about the jump at some point. I know I had seen something on Discovery that talked about the jump before (but it was a different show than that which your clip showed footage of).

posted at 9:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Son of a Mother - My life just changed! Great Video and Music.

posted at 8:43 PM


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