Floors, office, den, and phone! [updated]
Sorry, no pictures yet (I'd like to get rid of some of the boxes still hanging around before showing you the "end" result of all my work downstairs.

I finished the floors Friday afternoon, so we were able to get more furniture in on Saturday and Sunday. The office is set up (I'm writing this from within), and the only things really remaining to be done downstairs are (relatively) minor - install the interior doors and trim. It would help if I knew what the heck I was going to do with my new office doors, but I'm starting to think it would probably be best just to paint them white and be done with it (rather than trying to stain it - staining pine can be tricky). Eventually, I'd like to replace all the doors down here (three more, not counting the door to the garage), but that may take some time. We'll see. Doors can be expensive!

Anyway, things are coming together very nicely, and several things are already apparent:
  • The floors are beautiful - we really made a good choice,
  • the paint we chose, which was kind of off-the-cuff, REALLY works out well with the floors, and
  • we need a flat-panel TV.
We're a little too close to the TV as it is now, but once we're able to hang one on the wall (which the room was pretty much designed for), the den will be perfect.

The garage looks nearly empty now because of all the stuff we took out to populate the finished downstairs (still lots and lots of boxes), which is both good news and bad news. Good because, well, crap is out of the garage. Bad because it means there's a lot of furniture we'll need once we get the upstairs finished.

Like I said, I'll get some good pictures later. I'll try to get a teaser up in the meantime. Look for an update to this post.

Oh! I almost forgot. I hacked the DSL filter/surge supressor we got so that our phone and DSL work, but there's some real noise when you're talking on the phone, so I have to call the dum-dums where I got the part and get a replacement. But for now, it's working.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My family has doors in Texas - I bet they are even more expensive! :)

Speaking of LCDs... I was drooling over a few at Costco on Saturday. With my new HD tuner card for the Media Center PC - its gonna happen soon!

Looking forward to the pics! Sounds like things are coming together nicely!

posted at 1:37 PM


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