Halloweenie and More.
So since Mark already provided a link to our Halloween pictures, you can see for yourself my camouflaged belly. Pretty nice job, Mark! Halloween was way good times. In Steamboat, people don't really trick or treat with their kids--Main Street downtown shuts down to traffic, and everyone dressed up and brings their kids, and then the different businesses hand out candy and goodies. Mark and I didn't go last year because both of us had nasty colds, but this year we met up with a group of friends and just had a blast. It was so much fun to see everyone dressed up downtown--a lot of adults without kids or whose kids are older still were out walking around as well. Just a great social, small town atmosphere. I loved it. And naturally, we all met up at a bar afterwards, and I was having such a great time I didn't even mind being sober. How about that.

Congrats to Julie and Andrea, who are proud new parents to a little baby girl, Sutton! She's beautiful!

What else? Our kiddo is due in 4 short weeks, and it's strange to think I'm 8 months pregnant. Mark and I have decided that I really don't look very big at all from the front or back, but in profile you can truly appreciate the 30+ pounds of lovin' that has accumulated. Baby is moving like crazy all of the time, and we actually have the nursery somewhat ready for him (November is back to a "he" month). I still don't have the crib sheets or bassinet sheets washed up as our dryer broke last week, but the replacement part should be here in a couple days, so soon enough. A baby is official term at 37 weeks, so really, just one more week to go to really not worry about anything. Although honestly, most kids born at 36 weeks go home within a couple of days anyway. I'm getting excited, but as work has been so busy lately (our community hospital set a new record for births in October) that I feel like I need to hold off on having this kid until my schedule actually goes to maternity leave (starts Dec. 1st). Not much we can do if I go early, but whatever. It's all good. And I'm looking forward to some spiked egg nog around Christmas as well as some good wine with the Fitzgerald clan. Yea!

What else? It's very strange for me to have a day off here and there now and not have Mark around the house. He's new job certainly has some sweet perks (as in, season ski passes) but I have a feeling my maternity leave will be a quiet one. At least until his family gets here! The new furniture is awesome, but Mark was smart enough to actually check to see if our sofa was a pull-out sleeper, like we thought, and wouldn't you know, no bed underneath the cushions. They'll be swapping out the sofas when they make another delivery in a couple weeks to bring us our side table that matches the dining room table.

Other than that, I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving, as that's my last big hurrah for work, with me only working half days after the holiday. That and I like turkey.

OK, need to get some sleep. Good sleep has definitely been hard to come by in the third trimester, but I have another prenatal massage set up for Wednesday. Those appointments are godsends!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are doing well! The Halloween pics were great! Would still love to see a profile shot! ;)

It totally didn't occur to me that Mark's new job takes him out of the house for Maternity leave! Hopefully he can come home for lunch - or when you need a break!

I'm excited for you guys! Can't wait for the big day!

posted at 9:05 AM


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