Happy New Year!
1/03/2008 12:31:00 PM
So Caroline had quite the adventuresome week with the Fitzs, and after "opening" about half the gifts under the tree, this girl has one full closet of clothes and toys. Baby's First Christmas was a good one.It was fun having my mom here as well, she left on New Year's Eve and we even had chance to go make some mugs with Caroline's footprint on them before she left. Mark's parents and brother just left a couple of hours ago, and Lauren and Roy are heading to the airport soon as well. Good thing Fas is still around to appreciate Caroline's GINORMOUS poos. I am continually amazed at the amount of poo that such a little body can generate. I'm so proud of my daughter. She's very good at what she, um, does. The best is when she'll fuss and fuss and fuss, have a HUGE squirt, and then give a contented little sigh and fall asleep. Just like Mommy.
New Year's Eve was spent at the Grand with the Fitzs, and Caroline and I both fell asleep about 10, but were awoken in time for midnight. I'd be OK with celebrating East Coast New Year's for the next decade or so, as I think I'm still recovering from being up until 1:30. Mark was starting to come down with a cold on the first, so we were looking forward to chilling out at home and watching the movie Parenthood (which Caroline gave Daddy for Christmas). Chilling was exactly what we did too--as we sat down on the couch to start the movie, we both realized it was kinda cold downstairs, which lead to the identification of our boiler (i.e. our heat) was not working. It was about 8 pm, and right around -10 outside. Awesome. Upshot is, no heat, no movie, Caroline and I spent the night with the Fitzs at the Grand, and Mark and Fas cuddled up in the living room all night, keeping the fire going so the house didn't freeze. We were really worried we'd have to buy a new boiler, but the problem ended up being a bad relay that was easily fixed the next day. Happy New Year, indeed.
So I'm going back to work on the 8th, which I'm still in a little bit of denial about. I'm ready to go back to work, but Caroline is just starting to get fun at home! I feed her, she poos, then she gets all happy for a while, is content in her bouncy chair, poos again, and falls asleep.
Anyway, just wanted to give a little update--and wish everyone happy new year!
I'm not sure if Dana had a chance to mention this in her post or not, but Caroline poos, in case you didn't know.
We still don't have any photographic proof of this phenomenon. And don't expect any forthcoming (until a BIG SURPRISE at Steve's wedding this year).
posted at 1:28 PM
Happy New Year! Caroline is just so cute, 2008 should be an exciting year for you!
posted at 8:24 AM
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