3 months!
Where did the weekend go? Granted, I spent a good share of it napping, but still. I'm not ready for this week. One of my partners has a buddy in from Italy, and he asked me to cover a day at work and a call night, both of which fell on my one day off this week. Which makes me pretty much on call all week, except for one day, plus working next weekend. It's going to be a long, long week. I swear everyone in town is sick.

But thankfully, Miss Caroline has fully recovered from her bout with RSV, and is back to being our cute happy baby, minus the wicked cough. She turns 3 months old on Wednesday, and I just don't know where the time has gone. The mornings are by far the best time with her, as she always seems to be smiling and happy, which is good, since I'm usually far from being smiling at happy at 7 am. Then she usually wants to have her morning nap around 9, and snuggling with her is the absolute best.

Mark and I had a wonderful dinner the day before Valentine's Day, but as I was on call the 14th, I ended up not getting home until about 8, with Wendy's in hand. How romantic is that? We ate, I crashed, and then was up at 4 am to head back in to the hospital. I think I'm just recovering from that stretch of work. Mark put in Lawrence of Arabia this afternoon, and I was only able to stay awake for maybe 10 minutes, and awoke a good 2 hours later. Caroline slept even longer. Oh man, I'm not ready for this week.

Speaking of Wendy's, Mark and I are on the verge of a boycott because they have the worst fries known to man there. ALWAYS cold and undercooked. We were talking today about the need for a strongly worded letter to them, because it really is just ridiculous.

On the home front, Mark got a bunch of pictures up on our walls this weekend, which is great because our house looks much more, well, homey that way. And it's nice getting those things off the floor anyway. Mark also did a ton of work cleaning up all the random papers around our desk and computer. We're trying to get things in order--just is taking a little time. We went to the accountant this week to find out we're going to get screwed this year. A lot of it has to do with how I'm buying into my company as a partner, but basically, it's just going to suck until I'm fully bought in, hopefully by summer of 2009. Stupid Gov'ment.

OK, I just wanted to get a little post up because there was no way one was going to happen this week. I'll just have to leave the rest to Mark. But the new pictures of Caroline are up--check out Picasa!


Blogger JK said...

Those are such cute pictures, she is adorable!

posted at 8:37 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I can't say it enough....you guys make a cute kid.

posted at 5:44 PM

Blogger Jessica said...

I love the smiles and funny faces! So cute!!

Hope the week goes by quickly!

posted at 6:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

adorable! Happy 3 month Caroline and 'rents!

posted at 1:12 PM

Blogger Amy said...

Sara says "hi" to Caroline...literally. I opened up your blog with her in my lap. She pointed to Caroline's picture and said "Hi!"

She's a doll, I see a lot of Dana in that picture.

posted at 11:45 AM


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