New Pics!
Seriously. That girl can rock a dress.

So I just wanted to let everyone know we have new pics of Caroline up on Picasa. Enjoy.

I'm just procrastinating a little bit more before getting back to work. I have today off, but with Mark leaving for Chicago tomorrow, and then as soon as he gets back Sunday I have to drive to Fort Collins for a work thing Monday, it's all craziness. We're so excited for family coming in next week, but I have no idea when I'm going to be able to get the house ready. At least I did get the chance to call some guys to take away all the random debris/crap in our driveway from Mark's projects around the house. As soon as everyone leaves, we'll just start up the new pile!

We're also meeting with a guy from the bank about a loan so we can go more into debt (but for a no-brainer investment opportunity, so I guess that's OK, right?) this afternoon, followed by our second and final baptism class for Caroline. I hope we get to watch more of the AWESOME video we watched last week. Now if they would only have this class at a bar, it might actually be worth my time.

I did take Caroline to church last week in that pretty white dress from the pictures. She, of course, made friends with everyone around us in no time, and then fell completely asleep on me at the start of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. And then stayed completely out of it as I walked up for communion and everything. Even when she's asleep she's the most popular kid around.

OK, I need to get some studying done for this class in Fort Collins next week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My uterus just expanded. Cutest baby ever!

posted at 11:47 AM

Blogger Jessica said...

She is SO Cute!!! I love the dresses. And you are smart to start the bows early. I was so happy to see new photos!!

posted at 7:54 PM


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